пятница, 19 февраля 2016 г.

Favorite Chronicles

   It seems we have forgotten what it looks like is the real fantasy.   Counters today beckon bright covers. This is a book about American teenagers, suspiciously similar to Harry Potter, but the next hack national writer - all this, oddly enough, can withstand dozens of publications, while Alexander's book we have published only once! Injustice, and only.   Of course, now, some people know beautiful cycle "Chronicles of Prydain", which can not fail to disappoint. Abroad cycle books are put on a par with Tolkien and Lewis. Even cartoon filmed such things.   "Chronicles" - a sample of a good, high-quality fantasy. Although the book was conceived by Alexander as a child, such it is quite a bit.   And is it - a fairy tale?   Judge for yourself. We have before us the heroic work (created, incidentally, based on Welsh legend - than not an argument), where there are wizards and heroes, and even the real Dark Lord is! There crafted world with its culture. There are quite a fascinating story, full of battles.   «Chronicles of Prydain» was and still is an excellent, fantastic product and pass this book, I do not advise.


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